Attention: The information here may be subject to changes. This page has been updated on August 23, 2022.
If you have received information contrary to what is written below, please try to contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

Where do I find my schedule?

You can find your schedule in the campus system. It will be empty until you’ve added your lectures yourself. To support you in your first semester we will publish a timetable proposal in our Ersti-Information (will be located in the puplications).

Do I have to register for my lectures?

No, generally not. You have to register for exams (important: registration deadlines!) and by doing so for lectures. For seminars and (programming) practical courses you have to apply, sometimes already at the end of the previous semester. If you missed an application deadline for a seminar or practical course, you can still ask the respective professor if there is a place left.

Help me, I do not have an appartment in Karlsruhe!1!!

As the O-Phase sparks more joy if you do not have to leave early, we’ll try to to find a place to sleep for you. Just tell us on the first day of the O-Phase. If you still have not found an appartment whilst the lectures have began, please get in touch with as they always try to provide emergency shelter for everyone in need.

I am queer, are there any possibilities to meet other queer people?

Yes, of course! There are other queer people participating in the O-Phase, feel free to meet them. Additionally, there will presumably be another special Q-Phase for queer people.

Is there compulsory attendance?

In lectures there is none. Some lecturers even record their lectures or publish good notes or slides online. But for most seminars and practical courses, attendance is mandatory!

How do I find my way around on all these KIT websites

The three most important websites for you are:
(1) The campus system where you find your certificates, transcripts etc., and where you can apply for exams.
(2) At ILIAS you can find material for lectures and ask questions in forums. Make sure you sign up for your courses as soon as possible, as the relevant information will be announced there!
(3) The websites of the lectures themselves often contain a lot of materials such as exercise sheets and solutions, slides, lecture notes and important information.

Where do I find the prospectus?

All courses for the next semester are listed at the prospectus

What is the “Modulhandbuch” (module handbook) and “Prüfungsordnung” (examination regulation)?

In the module handbooks for mathematics and informatics, all courses are listed in detail and with short descriptions. The module handbook is available in German only, short descriptions in English are available at the international maths page (see link). Since there is no international master of informatics, a equivalent page for informatics courses does not exist. There are, however, English courses as well (see prospectus). The examination regulation (see bottom of page) is only available in German and contains all the general rules that apply to your study. If you have any questions about them, come to the Fachschaft and let us translate for you.

How many ECTS per semester should I take?

First of all - do as much as you can and want and don’t work over your limit. 30 credits are recommended; many students do less and study a little longer. Partly because there are many offers for activities that you can do beside your studies and also because you can indeed enjoy your studies without rushing through.

What are SQL credit points?

SQL = Schlüsselqualifikationsleistungen (key qualifications or general studies). According to your study plan, you have to do 6 (Master Mathematics), or 2 (Master Mathematics in Economics), or 0 (Master Mathematics in Technology), or 2 to 6 (Informatics) ECTS in SQL modules, in the form of language courses at the Sprachenzentrum (language centre), seminars at HoC (house of competence) or ZAK (Centre for Cultural and General Studies), an orchestra or the like (see here). Some general studies courses are taught in English. Most courses usually earn you 1-3 ECTS (HoC and ZAK seminars are often block seminars at weekends).

Can I attend a language course?

Of course you can! The application is possible during a period of two days in the week before lectures start. Places are given at random; you do not have to hurry (in contrast to the first-come-first-served application for sports courses). Each semester, the first course is free, further courses usually cost 90€.

How do I apply for sports courses?

Quickly! The application window opens at monday morning the week before the start of lectures and the courses are given according to “first come, first served”. It’s best to transfer the base fee (10€) in advance and refresh the registration page regularly as soon as the application opens (different times at a day for different courses). The courses can be booked at the sports institute. Most cost 10-20€ per semester, race teams train for free.

Things to do before studying at KIT

How do I apply for my (bachelor’s) programm?

Please take a look at the online application and read carefully. If you have questions regarding required german language skills or if you are allowed to study just call the KIT application hotline: 0721 608 82222

I cannot code at all, do I have to worry?

It is not necessary to know how to code. Whilst it may increase your understanding, Computer Science is more than just coding awesome tools. You’ll be disappointed if you expect anything else. Your course will be held such that you can finish it without any knowledge.

I want to prepare. What can I do?

You can freshen up or improve your skills in mathematics and computer science by taking part in courses of the MINT-Kolleg called Vorkurse

Just studying one programm is boring. Can I study multiple programs at the same time?

Woah there, take a breath and step back if you’re new to studying. It is possible to do so and there are few that pull through with it. However, the majority of the students are already at full capacity with one programm. Do it at your own risk!

Technical Stuff

Which computer do I need?

You won’t need a computer but you’ll want one. It has not to be powerful and an older one is already sufficient. You do not have to spend much. If you cannot afford one you’ll be able to use our pool rooms, for example at the Scientific Computing Center (SCC). If you are studying computer science you can get access to the pool room of the “Abteilung Technische Infrastruktur” ATIS.

Do I need a notebook?

Again, you won’t need a notebook. If you want to study or work outside or anywhere it may be adviseable for you. We do not recommend to get one just for taking notes during lectures as you probably will have a script to the lectures and a notebook will just grab your attention.

KIT account and KIT card

You should have received your u-account for using KIT portals and preliminary password along with your enrolment certificate before the semester starts. With your u-account you can log in into the student portal where you find all important documents and transcripts. And you can use the ILIAS learning platform where most lecture materials are stored. Furthermore, you can use services of the SCC (Steinbuch Centre of Computing) such as printing with COPS (see bottom of page).

With your KIT card you can pay in canteens, print at the SCC, get into the main library and a few other buildings in the middle of the night. Note: You have to take it with you to exams!

Wi-Fi at KIT

With your u-account you can log in into Wi-Fi (password is the same, just add ‘’ to your user name). There are “KA-WLAN” and “KA-sWLAN” for choice that are public city wifis. “KIT” is for university members only and provides direct access to the university network. “Eduroam” is a network which is open for members of all universities that are part of the Eduroam program and is made available in Karlsruhe by KIT and other higher educational institutions. If you are an exchange student and don’t have a KIT account, you can use this Wi-Fi. All networks are available both in town and on campus.

KVV ticket

As a student you automatically have a limited version of the KVV ticket with which you can take the tram for free between 6pm and 5am on weekdays and at weekends and holidays all-day long in the entire KVV region. If you move your primary residence to Karlsruhe, the city gives you a starter present that includes a voucher for a full KVV ticket(which lasts 6 months). You can redeem it during the first year, after that it will expire. When collecting the package it is important to emphasise that you would like to have the “starter package for students”.

While Studying

Are there Jobs/Internships?

If you’re in need for some money or if you just want to gather some work experience there are many small jobs - on and off campus. We just recommend to finish the heavy mathematics exams and to finish the Orientierungsprüfung, they have priority!

The FSMI has a moderated mailinglist you can join to be notified on jobs and internships. You can subscribe on our website.


What is the experience like at KIT?

KIT has several big campuses and some buildings all over in Karlsruhe. But you’re are mostly located on the Campus Süd. Next to the Campus Süd are several park areas, a big one directly at the Karlsruhe Palace in the city center, just waiting for you to study and relax in. There are flowers, trees and bushes everywhere, it’s not a grey city! There’s also a forest next by! As for the study experience, that’s always a matter of perception. KIT is great in many things such as a wide variety of lectures, the research, the location (again) and a very active student body. You can have a good time studying here - but best you see for yourself.

How is the nightlife?

There are plenty of cool and nice bars (many with beer garden during summer), discos, movie theatres… and during summer there’s the meadow next to the castle. You’ll find something that suits. Sadly during weekdays the public transport is only available until ~ 01:00 am, more on that here.

How do students live in Karlsruhe?

Most of the students are living in shared appartments or in dormatories, some are living in their own appartment. The “Studierendenwerk” manages some dorms, some are self-managed like the HaDiKo.

Where can I find an appartment or a room to rent?

There are many ways to get an appartment or a room. The “Studierendenwerk” has an appartment market page that gets regularly updated with new appartment offerings (shared and single appartments). Two of the most common sites are and Further, you can have a look into the daily newspaper (e.g. BNN) or have a look at the black board at the cafeteria. There is a list of student residences and contact addresses for private landlords in the Stadtwiki (city wiki).

I am living with my family not far away, can I keep living at home?

You can - but should you? Going to university marks a new chapter in your life, you should be capable to live on your own at that point. Additionally you’ll connect with many people and it is nicer if you have not to leave early because of the public transport.

Do I need a car?

Surely not. The public transport in Karlsruhe is great, most trams depart in a 10 minute cycle and cover the entire city. Most of the time riding a bike is faster as Karlsruhe is a bike-friendly city. If you have no bike you can rent one by using Nextbike - even for free if you’re studying at KIT. The only times you need a car is if you are going home or if you are moving. If you still need a car, you can have a look at several “Mitfahrgelegenheit” (car pooling) pages, where people offer to give you a lift for little money. If you need a car regularly, you could consider becoming a member of Stadtmobil, the local car-sharing provider. In case you need a car for moving or such you can rent a van at the AStA side service SSV.

Can I already buy a KVV student ticket even if my first semester has not started yet?

You can buy the student ticket as soon as you can print the required KVV-Report - so as soon as you are enrolled. If you’re studying mathematics we recommend you to buy the semester ticket as soon as possible in october as the preparation courses take place before the lectures start.


The O-Phase is an infotainment event which aims to support you to manage your first days at the university. We’ll explain you your program, show you Karlsruhe and give you opportunities to get in touch with contact persons for your course and to make your first friends after we welcomed you on Monday.

What should I not skip?

Anything :D We really recommend to participate at the complete programm, but if you can only attend to some events we recommend our welcoming and the “Fachsbereichsinformation” (FBI), a presentation to inform you about how your program and how studying works. If you cannot attend to those please contact us, we will pass you the important information.

I am packing my bag and grab…

If you already have access to your university account (uxxxx) you should bring the KVV-Report (generateable in the campus mangement system). Additionally some money for food and drinks as well as pen and paper to take notes.

Your question wasn’t answered?

Please feel free to send us your question in a mail, call us or visit us.