Hey there!
We would like to invite you to the orientation week of the Fachschaft Mathematik/Informatik.

You recieved this letter because you were admitted to a program of Mathematics or Informatics at KIT. If you enroll, you will be a member of the Fachschaft Mathematik/Informatik – the student body of these faculties.

With our orientation week – the “O-Phase” – we want to prepare you for your studies. This is a multi-day event specially planned for the students of the first semester. It takes place in October every year.

What can I expect there?

In the O-Phase you will get plenty of useful information and you can ask some experienced students all of your questions. You will meet many of your fellow students – some of them might become your friends.

This year’s program will be on-campus. If you’re not from Karlsruhe or if you do not have an appartment here, we recommend to look for a place to sleep. In the worst case, we surely will find some space on someone’s couch for you on Monday.

Participation and events

The O-Phase is in the week from

October 14th to October 19th 2024,

from Monday to Saturday.

There will be many informative and social events during this week. We commence the program with an opening event at 09:00 AM on October 14th. In this event, we will tell you all the details about the other events.

For the rest of the O-Phase, you will be assigned to a group. The meetings take place over the course of the entire week, from dawn until dusk. Therefore you should try to be available the whole day so you can take part in all events.

The most important event during the week is the “Fachbereichsinformation” at 02:00 PM on October 15th which will tell you everything about your program. If you cannot attend at this time, just visit us at any other time during the week or write a message to contact@o-phase.com .

We collected all the information about the O-Phase on the following pages. You will find a schedule, a check list and a map of the campus attached. If you have any questions, feel free to check the information on our website at . For any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via contact@o-phase.com .

Greetings from Karlsruhe, see you soon!
Your Fachschaft Mathematik/Informatik


Check list

These are a few things you should keep in mind:

Things you should take with you to the O-Phase: